The Trash Panda

From all the projects I worked on as a Data Scientist, The Trash Panda is the project I feel more passionate about. The Trash Panda was a project idea that was submitted by one of my colleagues in the Data Science program, Trevor. When I initially saw the project proposal,... [Read More]

Spotify Song Suggester

This project was developped as part of the Lambda School Build Week Projects by a team of members from different tracks. My main responsability in this project was as a Machine Learning Engineer with two other colleagues creating a model that could easily suggest you songs based on a specific... [Read More]


Medizen mobile application was developed during a Lambda School Build Week and was my first experience as a Data Scientist working in a team. Our team had members from Web, Data Science and User Experience. Different members of the team were focusing in different parts of the application such as... [Read More]

Life Expectancy

Recently, I finished a project based on a dataset taken from Kaggle. In this project I analyzed Life Expectancy based on Past trends. I looked into immunization, mortality, economic, social and other health related factors as well. [Read More]


Image visualization is an amazing world. Dealing with different ways of telling a story and representing your data can be very challenging. I found very useful the use of Heat Maps while exploring the different tools available. Looking into a dataset of New York City Apartment rental listing data, I... [Read More]